We’ve been building our own VPN with Wireguard last time. This was one of the requirements we found to setup a highly available Kubernetes cluster with encrypted traffic between all our nodes. All that’s left now is actually buidling the cluster, so let’s get started.

Installing the first master node

The first thing we’re going to do is to write a configuration file for the first master node. Every node will have its own configuration, so you can create the configuration on the server itself already. I recommend saving a copy of the config in your home directory; if you need to uninstall k3s at some point the provided uninstall scripts also delete this config from /etc.

One last thing before we get started: please ensure that your DNS is setup correctly. Your domain name should point to all public IP addresses of your master nodes. Finally I recommend that you setup a subdomain for your cluster, eg. kubernetes.example.com (I’m going to use this as an example moving forward.)

Here we go, our first configuration file ~/config.yaml:

    - kubernetes.example.com
    - <external-ip-master-node-1>
flannel-backend: wireguard-native
flannel-iface: wg0
node-external-ip: <external-ip-master-node-1>
cluster-init: true

Let’s go through this step by step.

  • tls-san adds additional hostnames to the self-signed TLS certificate the server node will issue on first boot. These entries will be added as Subject Alternative Names. Since we’re going to access the Kubernetes API of the cluster from the subdomain we configured it makes sense to include this here. Finally adding the external IP of the node is required so that we can join the other nodes to the cluster via accessing the external IP.
  • flannel-backend issues the server to use the Wireguard native kernel module for the Flannel CNI that k3s uses as the default CNI. Here’s the README of the Flannel project if you wan’t to find out more about it.
  • flannel-iface tells k3s to use our Wireguard interface for the node.
  • node-ip control which internal IP the master node uses to advertise to other members of the cluster
  • node-external-ip tells other members of the cluster which external IP our master node is available on
  • advertise-address is usually set by default if one of node-ip or node-external-ip is set; we explicitely set this to the same value as node-ip.
  • cluster-init is the value that tells k3s that we’re planning on building a HA cluster. This initialized the embedded etcd database on the master node.

We still need to move the configuration to the correct folder for the installation script to pick it up during the install.

mkdir -p /etc/rancher/k3s && cp ~/config.yaml /etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml

And finally - we install the binary and start our first cluster node:

curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -s - server

I deliberately chose to install k3s on all machines with an install script provided by the k3s authors. You should definitely review the script before executing it, especially on hardware that is running other business-critical software!

The command should complete successfully without any errors. Congratulations, the first node is alive!

If the command did not complete successfully then it’s a good idea to check the logs. journalctl -xeu k3s or systemctl status k3s should give you enough details to debug the problem.

Configuring kubectl on client machine

Now would be a good time to configure your kubectl on your client to access the API of your cluster. k3s creates a configuration you can use as a blueprint (it contains the client certificate that kubectl needs to connect) - we only need to change the server host address.

cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml ~/k3s.yaml && sed -i s/<external-ip-node-1>/g ~/k3s.yaml

Copy ~/k3s.yaml to your client machine as ~/.kube/config. Let’s test it:

kubectl get nodes

NAME            STATUS  ROLES                       AGE     VERSION
<master-node-1> Ready   control-plane,etcd,master   1m      v1.25.6+k3s1


If you already have a ~/.kube/config file on your client then it makes sense to merge the new k3s config into your existing one. This is one way of doing it:

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config:~/k3s.yaml kubectl config view --flatten > ~/config

Check if the content of ~/config looks correct and feel free to replace ~/.kube/config with the newly created file.

Installing the remaining master nodes

To join the other remaining master nodes to the cluster is basically done in the same way we setup our first master - you write a config file and run the installation script. Log into your second master node and open up ~/config.yaml:

token: <master-node-1-token>
    - kubernetes.example.com
    - <external-ip-node-2>
server: https://<external-ip-node-1>:6443
flannel-backend: wireguard-native
flannel-iface: wg0
node-external-ip: <external-ip-node-2>

Okay, so we have a couple of new options here! Let’s dive in and see what they are about:

  • token is a value that k3s generated on the first master node. It’s a secret that k3s requires from all master / agent nodes that want to join the cluster. The value of the token is found in /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/token - you’ll need to copy that value and paste it into the config here.
  • server tells k3s where the master lives that we want to join.

Let’s copy the config to the correct directory and install k3s:

mkdir -p /etc/rancher/k3s && cp ~/config.yaml /etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -s - server

After a short while the command will return successfully.

If not - journalctl is your friend.

If you go back to your client machine and run kubectl get nodes you’ll notice that the output has changed:

kubectl get nodes

NAME            STATUS  ROLES                       AGE     VERSION
<master-node-1> Ready   control-plane,etcd,master   10m     v1.25.6+k3s1
<master-node-2> Ready   control-plane,etcd,master   1m      v1.25.6+k3s1

Finally you’ll want to login to your third master and open ~/config.yaml:

token: <master-node-1-token>
    - kubernetes.example.com
    - <external-ip-node-3>
server: https://<external-ip-node-1>:6443
flannel-backend: wireguard-native
flannel-iface: wg0
node-external-ip: <external-ip-node-3>

/var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/token will be the same across all nodes; you can however decide to join the third master using the second master node. Change server to target the second master node and give it a try!

Let’s install k3s and conclude our setup:

mkdir -p /etc/rancher/k3s && cp ~/config.yaml /etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -s - server

We’re almost done - let’s run our last test to see if all nodes have been registered correctly:

kubectl get nodes

NAME            STATUS  ROLES                       AGE     VERSION
<master-node-1> Ready   control-plane,etcd,master   15m     v1.25.6+k3s1
<master-node-2> Ready   control-plane,etcd,master   6m      v1.25.6+k3s1
<master-node-3> Ready   control-plane,etcd,master   1m      v1.25.6+k3s1

Great work! Your cluster setup is now complete, and you got yourself a HA k3s installation. I recommend changing the the server address in your ~/.kube/config to use the domain that points to all three of your nodes like so:

sed -i s/<external-ip-node-1>/kubernetes.example.com/g ~/.kube/config

Let’s check out the traefik service in our cluster to see if all external IP’s have been registered correctly:

kubectl get services -n kube-system

NAME            TYPE            CLUSTER-IP  EXTERNAL-IP                                                     PORT(S)
kube-dns        ClusterIP       10.43.X.X   <none>                                                          53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP
metrics-server  ClusterIP       10.43.X.X   <none>                                                          443/TCP
traefik         LoadBalancer    10.43.X.X   <external-ip-node-1>,<external-ip-node-2>,<external-ip-node-3>  80:<internal-port>/TCP,443:<internal-port>/TCP

If you don’t see all external IP’s coming up don’t worry - the service discovers these IP’s and adds them after it started up. This might take a minute or two, depending on the speed and load on the machines.


We’ve achieved our goals and setup a k3s cluster that is fault-tolerant. Internal communication between nodes is piped through our Wireguard VPN, which adds an extra layer of security. In the next post we’re going to setup a demo application and take care of TLS certificates using Let’s Encrypt. Until then - take care!